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I have been writing in a blog and journaling for 14 years about the lessons of being a mom. Sometimes from the perspective of being a empath, as a yogi, or understanding generational trauma, or being a working mom, or as a part time single mom with a husband and dad who works away. Parenting is hard, especially when you go into a new phase. With my first, I'm never sure I will know what to do or say but knowing I am doing the best with the knowledge I have. 


Raising children takes a village. I am that village for many. I am often told by parents that they struggle with difficulties and share the similarities of parenting. Feelings of guilt, fear of not knowing what to do or making the right decision. I've gone through those phases and feel like a seasoned pro when it comes to the little ones. 


In 2022 I was drawn to sharing my writing, the collective knowledge of THOUSANDS of families, TENS OF THOUSANDS of treatments given in 21 years. I have said for years that if I don't share what it will one day be forgotten as a healer, and as a mother. These lessons are important and we do not often hear about nervous system health or the importance of maintaining balance.


I get asked "why do we not know this?" and "how do I find someone like you?" every week. After sitting with my case files for months in 2022, I narrowed down the top categories that needed more clarity. Could people duplicate my daily home work sheets for babies?  What about if someone needs help at 1, 2, or 3:00am when nobody is awake to ask for advice? 



Introducing Eat, Sleep, Poop & Repeat.  An easy read and easy to follow guide to answering questions you didn't know you had when your baby is not as easy as you thought he or she should be. It may enlighten you and provides you with information that you can use to help them right now. 


Available as Download for Kindle,

or Hard Copy to have at home.

Audio book coming winter 2023.




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Introducing my follow up book for ages 1-3 titled: Brains, Games & Locomotion. 


Diving under the surface of those tough challenges of parenting with conscious intention. Raising little ones with the ability to regulate their nervous system. Talking to parents about brain development, body awareness, emotional intelligence and communicating in a way that gets results. I discuss the connection between birth trauma, tongue tie and nervous system and what to look for in this age group; recognising and finding tools and resources to correct imbalances before they become bigger problems. 

I share my games, movement - yoga and breathing, body work parents can use at home, little songs and ways to connect with your toddler. How to stay connected to them, new research on screen time and the importance of play and sleep cycles; I go into potty training- body physiology top tricks and The big 3. Terrors, Trauma and Teething. 


Find it here on both Kindle and Paperback edition! 


As well  launching my children's book collection. Books to teach kids how to find a state of calm in their bodies by following the little rhythm and pictures. These books take my practice along with yoga, and are presented in a fun, easy read to help kids from as early as age 2-3 to breathe, sleep and find calm in their bodies. 

These books are written and are currently in the illustration phase.


If you are interested- we have a newsletter with launch updates. 

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