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Craniosacral Therapy

I am a Registered Massage Therapist with a speciality in Craniosacral Therapy. I have been a practitioner for over 20 years and have provided tens of thousands of appointments. That is A LOT of collective knowledge. 


When I was a college student I suffered from very bizarre neurological symptoms that were a year later diagnosed as hemiplegic migraines; rare, severe and on-going; at that time they were only subdued with medication. When you open the door of understanding that there is knowledge that doesn't come directly from a medical doctor, you can find other supportive modalities. I was introduced to Craniosacral Therapy and SIX Craniosacral treatments later,  I. Was. Healed.


My career path quickly went from studying for LSATS and planning for law school, to healing people. These two paths could not have been further from each other and yet I feel this was meant to do this work.  I will tell you my dirty little secret... I still miss law 22 years later.  I enjoy going to my lawyers office to go sign documents, I miss going to court, I miss the hustle of a huge firm, watching the legal students research cases, and I would have been a killer prosecutor but not enough to give up my career that is happy and never feels like a "job".


As far back into my childhood I clearly remember feeling everyone's "stuff"- not just people's emotions but animals as well. I remember my dad telling me when I was in elementary school that I was a healer and how that made me uncomfortable because I did not see myself on that path; and yet here I am performing body magic and loving every second of it. 


I have trained in many modalities in the last 21 years. The title RMT really doesn't encompass my knowledge, skill set, or experience. RMT is a stepping stone to vast learning opportunities available in many healing arts; I can say the same goes for my yoga teaching career. I have trained in programs for special populations, studied with some amazing leaders, and was teaching yoga in Alberta 20 years ago before it was common and mainstream. Yoga is a conduit for healing; and is often integrated into my remedial exercises, and treatment plans. 


The more I study, the more aware I am that the body is complicated and willing to heal. By asking the simple words, "what do you need?", the body responds in a totally unique way. It is almost as if being asked the question is validating everything it has been trying to tell you;  by feeling pain, symptoms, fatigue, anxiety and so forth. What I have learned  by asking the body this question is that it is not asked enough, and by asking I can access healing on a deeper level. 


Craniosacral Therapy is one of the lightest touch therapies. To learn more about it and the amazing benefits, you can check out or



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