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Writer's pictureBecky Brezovski

pelvic floor physio.

We need to educate women and parents more on the gifts that pelvic floor physical therapists offer. I am so fortunate to know and refer to one in our city. I strongly recommend seeking one out.

Keep in mind all of the changes your body goes through during pregnancy. Nine months later, you put your pelvic floor through actual trauma to deliver the baby. Bringing a skilled pelvic floor health specialist even before your pregnancy will benefit you in ways most don’t even think of.

Think of it this way, when you begin thinking about starting a family, you research everything you need to know about babies, parenthood, and even car seats. We need to educate ourselves about the toll it will take on our bodies. Our pelvis health is one area we should be investing in, as it plays a role in so much. Bad pelvis health can lead to neck and back pain, bad posture, and even infertility.

There are some fantastic benefits to seeing a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist all through your pregnancy. I have laid out an easy-to-follow list below.

Physical Exercise

  • postural exercise

  • proper breathing techniques during exercise

  • pregnancy-safe exercises


  • solutions and treatment for postural pain

  • pelvic pain treatment

  • pregnancy treatment of hip and low back pain

  • labor treatment of hip and low back pain


  • posture and lifting while pregnant

  • mindful lifting with extra front weight

  • how to get up from sitting position

  • proper lifting of a toddler while pregnant

  • comfortable sleeping positions while pregnant

  • a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist can help

  • diastasis recti (abdominal separation) prevention and treatment

  • pelvic floor health and strengthening

Preparation For Labor

  • Our previous discussion about recovery times for perineum tears and episiotomies comes into play here too. Your Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist can teach you everything you need to know about perineum stretching.

  • Having as many tools in your labor and delivery kit will empower you. Your pelvic floor specialist can give you amazing insight into pelvic floor relaxation strategies.

  • Explore a world of birthing positions you may not have considered. Let your pelvic floor specialist guide you into what is comfortable and works best for you.

Adding this specialist to your healthcare team will not only serve you well during pregnancy, but should be considered a permanent part of the team. Below you will see how vital they can be when you are ready to begin exercising again.

When Is It Safe to Exercise Again?

Getting back to a normal exercise routine is important for your physical and mental health. It is always easiest to start with focusing on you and baby. If it is winter, and you are located in a colder part of the world, bundling baby up and going for a nice walk around the block will be great for you both. Getting out of the house and into some fresh air will have you both in better spirits. Don’t forget to include your partner in this as well, they have been working overtime, keeping the house together and supporting both you and baby. If the weather is too harsh, head over to the mall or a nice walking track at your nearby gym or arena. A change of scenery is what we are looking for here. Set those expectations at a reasonable level here. If you can only walk for five or ten minutes because you are still recovering, that is longer than yesterday and celebrate that. Our intention here is to increase mental and physical well-being, not make it a negative experience. As long as you are mindful of those expectations, you should be in a good space.

If you were one that was very active in the gym or yoga studio prior to becoming a parent, and are anxious to return to your previous routine, you do need to speak with your healthcare team. Again, maintaining healthy expectations is important. Realizing you put your body through a great deal, growing a human and delivering one is a good place to start. Go easy, rest when your body tells you to, and hydrate often.

It is standard for doctors to clear you by six weeks postpartum for physical activity. For many, this is not long enough for your body to heal. You have to be educated as to what type of activity is safe and when. If you throw on that workout gear and head to the gym and begin doing crunches, you could do more harm than good.

Bringing that pelvic floor specialist on board during this time would be crucial. Ask them all of those questions you may have regarding your previous routines. They will know how your body is recovering and can be sure you won’t be doing harm. Remember to take it slow. Your first step should just be getting outdoors, soaking up some vitamin D on a nice walk. Remember, both are great for your physical and mental health. Each time you want to ramp up to something a bit more challenging, just check in with your health care team, including your pelvic floor specialist. They will be able to monitor how your healing journey is going and if it is safe to move to the next level of exercise.

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